How to Plan a Sustainable Vacation: a green travel planning guide (2024) 您所在的位置:网站首页 our travel plan How to Plan a Sustainable Vacation: a green travel planning guide (2024)

How to Plan a Sustainable Vacation: a green travel planning guide (2024)

2024-07-17 19:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Planning a sustainable vacation means making the conscientious choice to reduce the environmental impact of your trip. With a focus on minimizing your carbon footprint, supporting the local culture, and promoting conservation efforts, green travel aims to create a positive impact on the environment and the hosting communities, fostering an enriching travel experience for all. In this article we will give you the basics for planning your eco-friendly trip and will share how our first intentionally green travel experience came together.

As wildlife lovers, we have always been interested in environmentally friendly travel. We followed all the basics – avoiding single-use plastics and taking short showers – but only recently began to understand all that goes into making our travel destinations sustainable. We’ve learned that taking time to understand the issues challenging the destination, and planning accordingly, will ensure our travel supports the natural habitat and the local economy.

Key takeaways for green travel planning

Why? Minimize environmental footprint, preserve cultural heritage, and support local economies. Where? Destinations that support conservation efforts, practice eco-friendly and sustainable initiatives. Avoid areas of over tourism. When? Opt for slow travel, if possible. Travel in off-peak seasons to reduce overcrowding and to provide support to the communities. How? Choose accommodations with green certifications, and use eco-friendly transportation like trains, buses, or bikes when possible. Who? Support local – local guides, local businesses, etc. What more? Engage in ethical and conservation-based activities, pack light and smart, and respect the destination through personal habits towards sustainability. Rafting on the Peñas Blancas, an experience found on a green travel itinerary This post includes affiliate links. Traveling Tulls may earn a small commission, at no additional expense to you, if you purchase something from one of these links. DISCLOSURE

Table of Contents

Toggle What is a sustainable travel plan?

Sustainable holiday planning, or green travel planning, is the process of designing your trip in a responsible way. In sustainable tourism the three pillars of sustainability – the environment, the economy, and society – are all interdependent. In other words, your trip would be as beneficial to the hosting community, and to future generations, as it is to you, the visitor.

How to plan a sustainable vacation Research The Destination (the Where?)

Choose locations that actively support the environment and preserve the local culture. Look for places supporting conservation projects. Visiting an eco-tourism destination like a National Park or the Galápagos Islands promotes the value of the environment and ensures its preservation.

Avoid destinations experiencing over-tourism. Large numbers of tourists arriving in one location puts a huge strain on the area’s resources, raises prices for locals, and often results in destroying that which brought the travelers to the area.

Avoid countries experiencing political turmoil or where human rights are threatened. Stay away from destinations advertising unethical tourist experiences. Travel can be an opportunity to “vote with your wallet”.

Blue-footed booby, one of the most endearing of the endemic species of the Galapagos, and one of the Big 15 Decide on timing for your travel (the When?)

Planning your visit for the off season will ease some of the burden of over-tourism. (And avoiding peak season rates will save you money!) Popular destinations like Venice, Italy are packed in the summer but have plenty of offer in the low season.

Opt for slow travel if at all possible. ‘Slow travel’ involves spending time in one location rather than rushing through multiple stops. More time allows for more meaningful experiences and opportunities for cultural immersion. Ultimately, spending time in one location leads to a more relaxed and mindful travel experience.

Outline travel plans early for an eco-friendly trip (the How?)

Book green hotels and other accommodations that are committed to sustainability. Look into whether there is a certification program for lodging in the area you are visiting. If there isn’t a program available, reach out to the hotel to ask about sustainability practices. And remember that locally owned and operated lodging returns the most revenue to the economy.

In many cases the transportation you use will be the largest factor in carbon emissions for the trip. Choose wisely. Train travel is most efficient, with bus travel, and ride sharing following.

If your trip involves a flight:

Fly direct if possible. The most fuel is used during take-off and landing. Check carbon ratings for your flight before booking. Can you combine this trip with another to save on transportation? Visit family on the way? Or enjoy a beach break after a busier tour? Our guides in Wadi Rum, Jordan, Book local guides when you plan a sustainable vacation.Mahmoud Twaissi (right) our guide in Jordan. Book local activities (the Who?)

Research the activities you want to do ahead of time to find local guides and tour operators. For example, if you’re hoping to do some birding on your trip, reach out to a local birding club for recommendations. They’re all on the web and are usually pleased to help. And these people know their environment better than any outside tour guide. (We’ve also had great luck hiring a local cab driver and asking for their favorite beach or lunch spot.)

Once at your destination get away from the touristy areas to patronize local artisans, small businesses, and restaurants. You’ll contribute to the economy while enjoying an authentic experience.

Make intentional decisions (the What More?)

Once you’ve made your travel plan it’s time to prepare for the trip. Now it’s about your sustainability practices. What can you do to make this trip beneficial to you and your destination? Remember the pillars of sustainability – economy, society, and environment. You’ve addressed the economy by choosing sustainable accommodations and hiring local guides. What’s the best way to ensure your trip helps society and the environment? Respect.

Respect the local culture Learn about the destination. Create a reading list of books about your destination. Or line up some movies for a family film festival. Research cultural customs and etiquette and be prepared to respect the local customs. Remember that you are a guest in the country. Learn a few words of the language, if only please and thank you. Respect the natural environment Research wildlife activities to determine if they’re ethically run. In natural areas, follow ethical wildlife guidelines and the Leave No Trace principles. Put simply: Stay on marked trails Give wildlife room Don’t litter (Pack it in/Pack it out) Leave what you find Pack smart and pack light Bring your own reusable items, like a shopping bag, reusable water bottles, straw, etc. Create a travel capsule wardrobe to pack light. (Choose quick dry, odor resistant, wrinkle-free items to reduce the need for laundry services) Minimize toiletries, gear, etc. with a minimalist packing list Be vigilant about water conservation. Short showers, faucet off for tooth brushing, etc. Most ecotourism areas do not have an abundance of potable water.

Taking time to plan a sustainable vacation makes it easy to enjoy your travel knowing that you’re being responsible. Consider each step above as you put together your itinerary, and you’re good to go!

Bonus Points: Identify, and support, a charity, social justice cause, or environmental foundation from your destination.

scarlet macaw flying over trees near the Pacific ocean Focus Costa Rica: 5 of the Best Reasons to Travel to Costa Rica Case Study: How we planned a sustainable trip to Costa Rica

A trip to Costa Rica has been top of my wish list for a long time. I’m an avid birder and had researched birding expeditions to this Central American country for years. My husband is NOT a birder however and prefers a relaxing cruise or island destination for our mid-winter travel. So we compromise. Years of traveling together have helped us to arrive at plans that work for both of us. When traveling anywhere we schedule some quiet time either before or (preferably) at the end of our journey. This has worked well for us on our African safaris, and on our European vacations. For the trip to Costa Rica, and my commitment to plan a sustainable vacation, we had to really compromise…

Decisions, decisions… or coming up with a plan Note: As this was meant as a case study in green travel planning, I wrote this section before our trip. However, a family tragedy right before our travel date changed our travel plans. Read to the end to see how the trip ended up, and whether, despite changes, our goal of traveling responsibly was met. three toed sloth in wildlife reserve, as found by a local guide in Costa Rica. 1. Destination

Costa Rica – If you research sustainable travel, you will immediately come up with links to Costa Rica. This country is way ahead of the world in sustainable tourism and is always on the list of ecotourism destinations. Almost 5% of the world’s biodiversity is found in this small nation. In 2021 Costa Rica was the recipient of the Earthshot Prize, a global environmental award.

2. Timing

We are traveling at the end of January to escape the New England winter, but we’ve timed our trip away from school vacation schedules when the sites might be busy. However, with COVID-19 having a severe impact on travel, deciding on an ‘unbusy’ time to travel was largely irrelevant. But deciding to go ahead with the trip this year was important to the Costa Rican tourism industry.

3. Outline travel plans Combining travel – we booked our flight to begin in the NYC area and giving us the opportunity to visit our New York family. In Costa Rica we will have a week on our own, exploring nature, etc. before sailing for a week on a small ship. We had originally intended to add another week’s stay in Florida or Texas, but in light of the epidemic and possible quarantine protocols, we decided to fly directly home. Research activities – we decided to book our pre-cruise week with Nicole Engel (Absolute Experts Costa Rica) a local Costa Rican travel advisor. We’ve outlined things we want to see and do, and requested she book locally owned, sustainable lodging, and local guides for our tours. Learning about the destination – As we are traveling during the pandemic the most important preparation was researching the health and vaccination requirements for entering Costa Rica. We are fully vaccinated and boosted, so do not need to purchase the mandatory Costa Rican travel insurance for the unvaccinated. We decided to purchase our own insurance anyway in case we got sick and had to cancel at the last minute or needed additional medical care in Costa Rica. Putting together a reading list is always a fun activity for me. My favorite for this trip was Monkeys Are Made of Chocolate by Jack Ewing. It’s a collection of natural history essays – easy reading, yet informative. Dave is pretty fluent in Spanish, so we felt comfortable with that. (post-trip note: I need to learn Spanish! Dave did great, but I missed a lot!) 4. Transportation

There are no direct flights from Boston, so we will begin our trip in the NYC area. Undecided whether we will drive or take Amtrak to get to NY. Our research on Google Flights gave us information on flight efficiency. We are booked to fly on United Airlines on a flight rated as producing 18% lower emissions than average.

Farm to table garden at Hotel Belmar, a sustainable tourism experienceGarden – Hotel Belmar 5. Lodging

We have planned our nature week in Costa Rica with Nicole. We discussed with her our commitment to sustainable travel, and she selected lodging accordingly. Costa Rica makes this easy as the Costa Rican Tourism Institute has developed criteria for lodging to receive certification for sustainable tourism (CST). Nicole has booked us at the Hotel Belmar near the Monteverde cloud forest. This hotel is rated 5 leaves – the highest rating given by the tourism board. We’re looking forward to learning about how they’ve created a model for sustainable tourism.

After the land portion of the trip, our challenge come in. Cruising can be notoriously UN-sustainable, but we researched and chose to book a small ship cruise with Windstar on one of their sailing ships. This ship carries only 148 guests as opposed to the thousands carried on other lines mega-ships. Windstar has made a commitment to sustainability. The company is upgrading its ships, installing new wastewater treatment systems and new engines which exceed the efficiency standards put in place by the International Maritime Organization limit.

6. Begin Booking and Bookmarking Activities

We’ve settled on a schedule that will allow us some time in San Jose city, several days in nature reserves, and a day or two of complete relaxation. I’ve prepared a journal where I’ve gathered ideas for local restaurants to try, responsible tours, etc. Again, as the pandemic is still ongoing, we do not need to reserve spots for these activities immediately.Reading reviews on TripAdvisor (or similar review sites) has helped us to decide on what to do and what to avoid. We’ve decided to skip a wildlife refuge that some felt was ethically questionable.

7. Pack light and sustainably

Not a challenge for me! We will likely pack carry-on with one bag each. Over the years we have invested in quality, lightweight, quick-dry clothing. Our gadgets will go in our under-seat bag and will take up much of the baggage weight. In our bags we will be sure to include:

reusable water bottle coral safe sunscreen a reusable shopping bag (no plastic bags in Costa Rica) reusable straws

Identify a cause, charity or reserve to support. We’ve searched Pack with a Purpose and found a list of school supplies being collected at Hotel Belmar. Pack with a Purpose is a nonprofit organization that lets travelers identify supplies needed in destinations they are visiting. Hotels and lodgings around the world submit lists of community needs and disperse whatever the traveler is able to fit in their suitcase. That’s a good start for our giving back. Will have to see if we find more causes when we get there!

baby white-faced capuchin riding on Mom How’d we do? Was the trip an example of sustainable, green tourism?

Over our years of travel, we’ve learned that the most important thing you can bring on any trip is flexibility. Certainly, this was the case for this trip. Right before we were to leave for our trip, we lost a sister to cancer. Though she’d been sick for a while, her death was completely unexpected. We were shattered, and unsure whether to go forward with the trip. We made the difficult decision to adjust plans and go to Costa Rica directly from the funeral.

Almost all the plans we’ve outlined above changed. We left from Texas, cancelled the cruise portion of the trip, and slowed down our schedule to add more time to rest. As a result, the trip was more sustainable than we’d planned. We know it was more of what we needed after our loss. Not only did we have privacy to mourn, but also the days in small towns gave us the opportunity to enjoy local restaurants, and hear live music.

Green Travel Planning Success – going with local guides!

We met the most extraordinary nature guides, who not only shared with us their knowledge of wildlife, but also took the time to talk about their lives, their struggles these past two years, and cheered us with their good humor. Undoubtedly, having tourists back in Costa Rica is essential to the country and these people. They were justly proud of the work Costa Rica has done to protect its environments:

Local guide, and bird caller extraordinaire, Giovanni BogarinGiovanni Bogarin of La Fortuna Karen Castillo (Smilisca Natural Expeditions), our guide in Manuel Antonio National Park, shared how this immensely popular park has not only set limits on the numbers of visitors daily, but also has made the decision to close one day a week to allow nature to recover. In this way, the government is prioritizing nature over money. BTW Karen was the first female guide in the national park! Felix Barrantes (Pasión Costa Rica) gave us an amazing tour of the Monteverde Cloud Forest, but also shared his concerns for the effects climate change has already had on the ecosystem. In the 1970s the cloud forest averaged no more than 23 sunny days a year, in 2021 there were 132 sunny days. This change has resulted in many species disappearing, possibly forever. Felix told us about the quality of life in the country, and the laws enacted to preserve health and the environment – no smoking allowed in ANY public space, fines of littering, etc. Giovanni Bogarin has single-handedly reforested 30 acres in the town of La Fortuna. This reserve is now home to sloths, iguanas, and hundreds of bird species. Giovanni has been featured in the New York Times for his work. Our day with Giovanni was extraordinary! Final thoughts

Now that we’re home and reflecting on the past month, we recognize how restoring it was to spend time with each other and with the friendly local people of Costa Rica. As we said goodbye to each guide, each hotelier, and each driver, my husband assured them that we would come back to Costa Rica. I think my ‘birding dream vacation’ was a hit with him too!

Want more help in planning your trip? Read: Our 25 Top Travel Tips. horizon view over the Pacific

Are you a earth-friendly traveler? Do you have suggestions on how to plan a sustainable trip? I’d love to hear any tips you have to make our travel more sustainable, and that we can share in this green travel guide! Thanks! – Amy

7 Steps for Green Travel Planning. How to plan a responsible trip that benefits you and the community you're visiting. #sustainability #sustainabletourism #ecotourism 7 steps to green travel planning. How to plan a sustainable trip. Amy Tull, author of the Traveling Tulls Amy Tull

Amy, a writer on responsible bucket list travel, is your reliable source for insightful travel advice. With a career background in libraries, and a degree in biology and mathematics, Amy's approach to travel is rooted in meticulous research and planning, and her commitment to eco-conscious adventures.

Amy’s dedication to sustainable travel practices, including efficient packing techniques, ensures that every adventure leaves a positive impact on both the environment and the traveler's well-being. Trust Amy to guide you towards meaningful and eco-friendly travel, making the most of your retirement years.

A lifelong New England resident, Amy is also the source for insider tips on travel in the Northeastern U.S.

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